Apr 02

Update Patch for Total Access Analyzer 2002

Microsoft Access Database DocumentationMicrosoft Access Database DocumentationMicrosoft Access Documenter

Total Access Analyzer examines all your database objects to provide extensive documentation, cross-reference, and application and flow diagrams, with over 350 presentation-quality reports. It detects 280+ types of errors, suggestions, and performance tips, so you can learn and apply Best Practices to improve and speed up your Microsoft Access applications.

As part of our commitment to quality, we are pleased to announce that we have released a new update for Total Access Analyzer 2002, version 10.8. This update resolves all known issues since their original release.

The updates are available free of charge to registered owners who were notified via email. If you did not receive instructions, please contact us so we can update your information.

Mar 24

Starting an AutoNumber Field in MS Access with a Number You Want

In Microsoft Access tables, the AutoNumber field type allows you to automatically assign a unique sequential number to each row in a table. AutoNumber fields are often used as the Primary Key, since they are unique and permanent.

By default, AutoNumber begins with 1. However, you may want to start with another number. Here’s an easy way to set the AutoNumber at a number higher than 1.

(NOTE: This tip was revised on March 26, 2010 to fix a typo in the SQL syntax.)

Mar 24

Office Tip: Introducing Microsoft Office/Access 2010 and SkyDrive

Microsoft Access 2010The release candidate of Office 2010 is now available, and Office 2010 is expected to be shipping by mid-year. Hopefully you take the chance to download it, or at least review some of the many videos and articles about the new features.

For Access enthusiasts, the new version makes Access even more accessible to non-developers by exposing more functionality without requiring code or queries. For example, Reports are much richer, with added calculation tools and the ability to combine data from multiple sources. Microsoft has also created a whole new set of Templates to get users started more quickly, and what can be characterized as data triggers for Jet databases.

Most interesting is the ability to create solutions that can be exposed to the web. There are lots of restrictions and it’s not the same as putting an existing Access application on the web, but by leveraging SharePoint and cloud computing, it’s a whole new option for Access users and developers.

Part of Office 2010 is the Office Web Applications (OWA), a web version of Excel, PowerPoint, Word programs that allows you to create, edit and host Office files on the web without having Office installed locally. Microsoft is actually providing 25GB of space for you for free on their new SkyDrive site (with you Microsoft Live account).

Note: After losing a court case in the UK, Microsoft has renamed SkyDrive to OneDrive.

Mar 24

Paper: Microsoft Access Delete Query and SQL Syntax

Delete Query in Microsoft Access Could not delete from the specified tables.JPG

In our continuing coverage of query tips and techniques, we've create a paper focused on the DELETE query in Microsoft Access. It covers the basics of DELETE query SQL Syntax. It's a very powerful feature and a fundamental part of relational databases since you can remove multiple records at one time, and can specify which records to delete by linking to data in another table.

The paper also covers these more advanced topics:

  • Query fails: "Could not delete from the specified tables"
  • Use DISTINCTROW with Delete Queries for Non-Key Field Joins

Understanding and using Delete Queries improves the performance of your applications and makes them easier to maintain versus doing the same changes manually or in code.

Mar 24

Use Microsoft Access with Exchange/Outlook to manage email list removal

Microsoft Access Email BlasterTotal Access EmailerMicrosoft Access Email Microsoft Access

Many organizations use Microsoft Access to manage a list of email contacts. In conjunction with Total Access Emailer from FMS, it’s easy to send everyone a personalized email (such as a newsletter, order notification, or even a recipient’s individual invoice or sales receipt) in a convenient and automated way. Handling undeliverable emails and unsubscribe requests, however, can be tricky.

Read our new web page on Using Microsoft Access with Exchange/Outlook to Manage Email Lists and Automate Unsubscribe/Removal Requests.

Feb 19

Total Visual SourceBook 2007 Module and Procedure List Is Available

Microsoft Access ModulesTotal Visual SourceBookMicrosoft Access Modules

The complete list of modules and procedures in our Total Visual SourceBook professional source code library is now available for your review. From the list of Microsoft Access/Office/VBA/VB6 modules, you can click on any item to get its details.

194 royalty-free modules and classes are available covering all aspects of application development. Learn more about what's available, so you can simply use our code rather than writing your own. It's all open source, so you can learn from it or enhance it to your specific needs.

Jan 25

New Update for Total Visual SourceBook 2007

Microsoft Access ModulesTotal Visual SourceBookMicrosoft Access Modules

Total Visual SourceBook is the most popular professional source code library for the Microsoft Access/VBA/VB6 community. This huge library of powerful, well tested, and documented VBA/VB6 source code is available for your projects royalty free! Eliminate the drudgery of writing code that already exists. Simply insert our code into your project and run it.

As part of our commitment to quality, we are pleased to announce that we have released a new update for Total Visual SourceBook 2007. This update resolves all known issues since their original release.

The updates are available free of charge to registered owners who were notified via email. If you did not receive instructions, please contact us so we can update your information. 

Jan 25

New Video: An Introduction to Social Network Analysis

Link Analysis, Social Network Analysis, Geospatial, and Timeline SoftwareThe FMS Advanced Systems Group has a new video for its Sentinel Visualizer program: An Introduction to Social Network Analysis (SNA). If you are trying to find hidden relationships among people, places, and events, Social Network Analysis can help.

Social Network Analysis is a subset of network theory that finds important relationships and centrality in complex networks. Learn how organizations in the law enforcement, intelligence, defense, finance, and other data intensive fields are using Sentinel Visualizer in their missions.

Here's more information on Sentinel Visualizer and its Link Analysis features.

Jan 15

Total Visual SourceBook 2007 Ships for Microsoft Access, Office, and Visual Basic 6

Microsoft Access ModulesTotal Visual SourceBookMicrosoft Access Modules

Total Visual SourceBook, the most popular professional source code library for Microsoft Access, Office and Visual Basic 6 is shipping with an expanded code base and improved code manager. With 194 modules/classes and over 100,000 lines of code, Total Visual SourceBook lets you add our well written, documented, and tested code into your VBA/VB6 projects royalty-free. Includes full support for Access 2007, lots of new code for Outlook 2007, Office 2007, the web, etc. Learn more about Total Visual SourceBook and why so many developers use and learn from our years of experience creating professional quality solutions.

Jan 06

The HotMommas 2009-2010 Case Study Competition Has Begun

The HotMommas Project

Professor Kathy Korman Frey at the George Washington University School of Business has kicked off the 2009-2010 HotMommas Case Study Competition. It is a unique project that takes the stories of the women and makes them teachable in a “case study” format, thus providing scalable, global access to role models and virtual mentors. You may recall us mentioning our work on this project not long ago.

If you want to nominate someone (yourself included) for the 2009-2010 competition, go to the HotMommas Facebook page or send an email with their information.


The HotMommas Project

Why Role Models Matter for Women and Girls

Hot Mommas Project Everyday Revolutionaties

Washington Post article